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Ruby Grand (Download)
1972 Yamaha C7 with Ivory Keys

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Ruby Grand (Download)<br>1972 Yamaha C7 with Ivory Keys
Price: $149.00 Qty: 2+ Price: $148.00 each Ships FREE within 1 Day In Stock Financing Available: Learn More

Product Description

Ruby Grand starts with the Famous Yamaha C7 sound, Appearing on famous concert stages, international competitions and prestigious music events throughout the world.Ruby Grand has successfully captured the mellow sustain and beautiful tones of a Yamaha C7 built in 1972, which has original ivory keys. and also managed to represents its unique timbre quality through Neo Piano Hybrid Modelling Engine. It is a beautiful sounding and musical piano ideal for pops and Jazz.  
Next Generation Neo Piano Hybrid Modelling Engine
Neo Piano features a custom built Hybrid DFD/RAM system. It is a very flexible system which can be optimised for different playing applications. If you are using an old system with low RAM,DFD will work well. If you are using a top performance 64bit system with plenty of RAM, you can choose to play Neo Piano totally from RAM. A balance of DFD and RAM samples can be utilised to optimise general performance. In All cases Sound Quality remains at the highest level.
The core of the Neo Piano Engine is the intelligent analyze system which evaluates a MIDI track or performance to determine the Optimum balance between RAM and DFD usage. You can choose the amount of RAM available to Neo Piano to use. For live stage performances, the entire piano sample set can be loaded into RAM, removing any worries about OS interference with Hard Disc access. For Studio and Composition use, DFD is ideal with modern computers.
The new Neo Piano Engine has been totally redesigned and consumes much less CPU than before (1/10 of the previous version) and also best DFD performance (15mb/s requirement for hard disk speed which is around 1/10 for modern hard disks and even less for SSD, so this minimizes the possibility of glitches and pops due to reading the hard drive)
NEO Piano Engine offers you the best from both sampling and modelling worlds. The Authentic Sound of Sampling combined with the Playability of a Modelled Piano makes for a piano experience that you have to try to believe!
Standard sampled piano sounds are always static with no interaction between the strings while playing, but the NEO Piano Engine recreates these ethereal harmonic changes, generating subtle sympathetic resonances based the notes being played at any given moment. The NEO Piano Engine is constantly evolving, reproducing this interaction between strings, breathing life into the piano sound, recreating the souls of a real instrument.
The new user defined Damping system emulates real damper behaviour precisely and you can decide whether you want to play a ‘tight’ brand new piano, a typical bedded-in piano or a ‘loose’ well-worn old piano.
The NEO Piano Engine gives you absolute control over every aspect of a piano - you can even design your own piano! There are nearly 40 controls waiting for you to adjust. Lift the lid, alter the dampers, change the velocity response, apply a ‘Style’ or Resonance, adjust the player/audience perspective the combination of options is astounding!

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