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Time for Bells, by Al Hager
Ringing for the First Time Handbell Method
Rockin' Jerusalem
Sakura (Cherry Blossoms)
The Skaters
Drum Rudiment Dictionary: A Complete Reference Guide Containing the Percussive Arts Society's 40 International Drum Rudiments
Drumset Essentials, Volume 2
A Tune a Day - Drum
Kevin Volans: She Who Sleeps With A Small Blanket
Stille Nacht
Wedding Day at Troldhaugen
Were You There?
Drum Ceremony - for Percussion Ensemble
Phrasing: Advanced Rudiments for Creative Drumming
Beginning Djembe - Essential Tones, Rhythms & Grooves
Suite for Solo Timpani
Guide to Standardized Drumset Notation
The Complete Drumset Rudiments
Jesu the Baby
Rhythm Encyclopedia
Pent-agons for Percussion - Five Movements for Five Percussionists
Bonham - for Eight Percussionists
Sonatina - for Two or Three Timpani and Piano
La Foire aux Croutes No. 7: The Old Belfry - Bells, cymbals and tam-tam
Mazurka Nocturne Parties (hb/2 Vl/vlc)
Images de peaux - Percussion solo and percussion quartet, set of parts
Images de peaux - Percussion solo and percussion quartet, score